Machine Learning for Geometry Workshop, October 26 2023
IHP, Paris (France)

Machine Learning for Geometry

As part of the thematic year on "Geometry" spearheaded by the GdRs IM and IG-RV, a workshop on Machine Learning for Geometry will be held on October 26th 2023 at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, in the Hermite amphitheater (in the Borel building). This workshop aims to gather the broad community working around computational aspects of geometry (including, but not limited to, computational geometry, geometric modeling, and digital geometry) through Machine Learning, in order to share recent advances, identify new trends, and foster new developments & collaborations.

The program includes keynote addresses from Niloy Mitra (University College London and Adobe Research) and Maks Ovsjanikov (Ecole Polytechnique), as well as research talks from Gül Varol (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Mathieu Carrière (Inria), Mathieu Aubry (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Benjamin Perret (ESIEE), and Samy Blusseau (Mines Paris - PSL University). A detailed schedule of this one-day event is available in the program page, while the titles and asbracts of the talks (along with the bios of the speakers) can be found in the Talks and Abstracts page.

Attendance to this event is free, although registration prior to Oct 16th is mandatory and capped at the first 100 participants --- registration is now open (look on the left of this page), so hurry! 

Note also that travel and accommodation expenses for PhD students and postdocs belonging to the GdR IM or IG-RV can be covered by the "Young Researchers in Geometry" event held the day after (Oct 27th 2023) at the same location --- please visit the jcgeo site for more info (to come shortly).

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